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 “Don’t watch;” Edward whispered in my ear。 
 I was only too eager to follow his instruction。 I’d seen more than enough for one day — more than enough 
for one lifetime。 I squeezed my eyes tightly together and turned my face into Edward’s chest。 
 But I could still hear。 
 There was a deep; rumbling growl; and then a highpitched keen that was horribly familiar。 That sound cut 
off quickly; and then the only sound was a sickening crunching and snapping。 
 Edward’s hand rubbed anxiously against my shoulders。 
 “e;” Jane said; and I looked up in time to see the backs of the tall gray cloaks drifting away toward 
the curling smoke。 The incense smell was strong again — fresh。 
 The gray cloaks disappeared into the thick mist。 

   26。 ETHICS 

THE COUNTER IN ALICE’S BATHROOM WAS COVERED WITH a thousand different products; all claiming to 
beautify a person’s surface。 Since everyone in this house was both perfect and impermeable; I could only 
assume that she’d bought most of these things with me in mind。 I read the labels numbly; struck by the waste。 
 I was careful never to look in the long mirror。 
 Alice bed through my hair with a slow; rhythmic motion。 
 “That’s enough; Alice;” I said tonelessly。 “I want to go back to La Push。” 
 How many hours had I waited for Charlie to finally leave Billy’s house so that I could see Jacob? Each 
minute; not knowing if Jacob was still breathing or not; had seemed like ten lifetimes。 And then; when at last 
I’d been allowed to go; to see for myself that Jacob was alive; the time had gone so quickly。 I felt like I’d 
barely caught my breath before Alice was calling Edward; insisting that I keep up this ridiculous sleepover 
faade。 It seemed so insignificant。 。 。 。 
 “Jacob’s still unconscious;” Alice answered。 “Carlisle or Edward will call when he’s awake。 Anyway; you 
need to go see Charlie。 He was there at Billy’s house; he saw that Carlisle and Edward are back in from their 
trip; and he’s bound to be suspicious when you get home。” 
 I already had my story memorized and corroborated。 “I don’t care。 I want to be there when Jacob wakes 
 “You need to think of Charlie now。 You’ve had a long day — sorry; I know that doesn’t begin to cover it 
— but that doesn’t mean that you can shirk your responsibilities。” Her voice was serious; almost chiding。 “It’s 
more important now than ever that Charlie stays safely in the dark。 Play your role first; Bella; and then you can 
do what you want second。 Part of being a Cullen is being meticulously responsible。” 
 Of course she was right。 And if not for this same reason — a reason that was more powerful than all my 
fear and pain and guilt — Carlisle would never have been able to talk me into leaving Jacob’s side; 
unconscious or not。 
 “Go home;” Alice ordered。 “Talk to Charlie。 Flesh out your alibi。 Keep him safe。” 
 I stood; and the blood flowed down to my feet; stinging like the pricks of a thousand needles。 I’d been 
sitting still for a long time。 
 “That dress is adorable on you;” Alice cooed。 
 “Huh? Oh。 Er — thanks again for the clothes;” I mumbled out of courtesy rather than real gratitude。 
 “You need the evidence;” Alice said; her eyes innocent and wide。 “What’s a shopping trip without a new 
outfit? It’s very flattering; if I do say so myself。” 
 I blinked; unable to remember what she’d dressed me in。 I couldn’t keep my thoughts from skittering 
away every few seconds; insects running from the light。 。 。 。 
 “Jacob is fine; Bella;” Alice said; easily interpreting my preoccupation。 “There’s no hurry。 If you realized 
how much extra morphine Carlisle had to give him — what with his temperature burning it off so quickly — 
you would know that he’s going to be out for a while。” 
 At least he wasn’t in any pain。 Not yet。 
 “Is there anything you want to talk about before you leave?” Alice asked sympathetically。 “You must be 
more than a little traumatized。” 
 I knew what she was curious about。 But I had other questions。 
 “Will I be like that?” I asked her; my voice subdued。 “Like that girl Bree in the meadow?” 
 There were many things I needed to think of; but I couldn’t seem to get her out of my head; the newborn 
whose other life was now — abruptly — over。 Her face; twisted with desire for my blood; lingered behind my 
 Alice stroked my arm。 “Everyone is different。 But something like that; yes。” 
 I was very still; trying to imagine。 
 “It passes;” she promised。 
 “How soon?” 

She shrugged。 “A few years; maybe less。 It might be different for you。 I’ve never seen anyone go through 
this who’s chosen it beforehand。 It should be interesting to see how that affects you。” 
“Interesting;” I repeated。 
“We’ll keep you out of trouble。” 
“I know that。 I trust you。” My voice was monotone; dead。 
Alice’s forehead puckered。 “If you’re worried about Carlisle and Edward; I’m sure they’ll be fine。 I 
believe Sam is beginning to trust us 。 。 。 well; to trust Carlisle; at least。 It’s a good thing; too。 I imagine the 
atmosphere got a little tense when Carlisle had to rebreak the fractures —” 
“Please; Alice。” 
I took a deep breath to steady myself。 Jacob had begun healing too quickly; and some of his bones had 
set wrong。 He’d been out cold for the process; but it was still hard to think about。 
“Alice; can I ask you a question? About the future?” 
She was suddenly wary。 “You know I don’t see everything。” 
“It’s not that; exactly。 But you do see my future; sometimes。 Why is that; do you think; when nothing else 
works on me? Not what Jane can do; or Edward or Aro 。 。 。” My sentence trailed off with my interest level。 
My curiosity on this point was fleeting; heavily overshadowed by more pressing emotions。 
Alice; however; found the question very interesting。 “Jasper; too; Bella — his talent works on your body 
just as well as it does on anyone else’s。 That’s the difference; do you see it? Jasper’s abilities affect the body 
physically。 He really does calm your system down; or excite it。 It’s not an illusion。 And I see visi
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