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3 eclipse月食-第章

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“That’s what I thought;” he said; his face going calm again; but for the turbulent light in his eyes。 
“I love you; Bella;” he murmured。 
“I love you; Jacob;” I whispered brokenly。 
He smiled。 “I know that better than you do。” 
He turned to walk away。 
“Anything;” I called after him in a strangled voice。 “Anything you want; Jacob。 Just don’t do this!” 
He paused; turning slowly。 
“I don’t really think you mean that。” 
“Stay;” I begged。 
He shook his head。 “No; I’m going。” He paused; as if deciding something。 “But I could leave it to fate。” 
“What do you mean?” I choked out。 
“I don’t have to do anything deliberate — I could just do my best for my pack and let what happens 
happen。” He shrugged。 “If you could convince me you really did want me to e back — more than you 
wanted to do the selfless thing。” 
“How?” I asked。 
“You could ask me;” he suggested。 
“e back;” I whispered。 How could he doubt that I meant it? 
He shook his head; smiling again。 “That’s not what I’m talking about。” 

 It took me a second to grasp what he was saying; and all the while he was looking at me with this superior 
expression — so sure of my reaction。 As soon as the realization hit; though; I blurted out the words without 
stopping to count the cost。 
 “Will you kiss me; Jacob?” 
 His eyes widened in surprise; then narrowed suspiciously。 “You’re bluffing。” 
 “Kiss me; Jacob。 Kiss me; and then e back。” 
 He hesitated in the shadow; warring with himself。 He halfturned again to the west; his torso twisting away 
from me while his feet stayed planted where they were。 Still looking away; he took one uncertain step in my 
direction; and then another。 He swung his face around to look at me; his eyes doubtful。 
 I stared back。 I had no idea what expression was on my face。 
 Jacob rocked back on his heels; and then lurched forward; closing the distance between us in three long 
 I knew he would take advantage of the situation。 I expected it。 I held very still — my eyes closed; my 
fingers curled into fists at my sides — as his hands caught my face and his lips found mine with an eagerness 
that was not far from violence。 
 I could feel his anger as his mouth discovered my passive resistance。 One hand moved to the nape of my 
neck; twisting into a fist around the roots of my hair。 The other hand grabbed roughly at my shoulder; shaking 
me; then dragging me to him。 His hand continued down my arm; finding my wrist and pulling my arm up 
around his neck。 I left it there; my hand still tightly balled up; unsure how far I could go in my desperation to 
keep him alive。 All the while his lips; disconcertingly soft and warm; tried to force a response out of mine。 
 As soon as he was sure I wouldn’t drop my arm; he freed my wrist; his hand feeling its way down to my 
waist。 His burning hand found the skin at the small of my back; and he yanked me forward; bowing my body 
against his。 
 His lips gave up on mine for a moment; but I knew he was nowhere close to finished。 His mouth followed 
the line of my jaw; and then explored the length of my neck。 He freed my hair; reaching for my other arm to 
draw it around his neck like the first。 
 Then both of his arms were constricted around my waist; and his lips found my ear。 
 “You can do better than this; Bella;” he whispered huskily。 “You’re overthinking it。” 
 I shivered as I felt his teeth graze my earlobe。 
 “That’s right;” he murmured。 “For once; just let yourself feel what you feel。” 
 I shook my head mechanically until one of his hands wound back into my hair and stopped me。 
 His voice turned acidic。 “Are you sure you want me to e back? Or did you really want me to die?” 
 Anger rocked through me like the whiplash after a heavy punch。 That was too much — he wasn’t fighting 
 My arms were already around his neck; so I grabbed two fistfuls of his hair — ignoring the stabbing pain 
in my right hand — and fought back; struggling to pull my face away from his。 
 And Jacob misunderstood。 
 He was too strong to recognize that my hands; trying to yank his hair out by the roots; meant to cause him 
pain。 Instead of anger; he imagined passion。 He thought I was finally responding to him。 
 With a wild gasp; he brought his mouth back to mine; his fingers clutching frantically against the skin at my 
 The jolt of anger unbalanced my tenuous hold on selfcontrol; his unexpected; ecstatic response overthrew 
it entirely。 If there had been only triumph; I might have been able to resist him。 But the utter defenselessness of 
his sudden joy cracked my determination; disabled it。 My brain disconnected from my body; and I was kissing 
him back。 Against all reason; my lips were movingwith his in strange; confusing ways they’d never moved 
before — because I didn’t have to be careful with Jacob; and he certainly wasn’t being careful with me。 
 My fingers tightened in his hair; but I was pulling him closer now。 
 He was everywhere。 The piercing sunlight turned my eyelids red; and the color fit; matched the heat。 The 
heat was everywhere。 I couldn’t see or hear or feel anything that wasn’t Jacob。 
 The tiny piece of my brain that retained sanity screamed questions at me。 
 Why wasn’t I stopping this? Worse than that; why couldn’t I find inmyself even the desire to want to 
stop? What did it mean that I didn’t want him to stop? That my hands clung to his shoulders; and liked that 

they were wide and strong? That his hands pulled me too tight against his body; and yet it was not tight enough 
for me? 
The questions were stupid; because I knew the answer: I’d been lying to myself。 
Jacob was right。 He’d been right all along。 He was more than just my friend。 That’s why it was so 
impossible to tell him goodbye — because I was in love with him。 Too。 I loved him; much more than I should; 
and yet; still nowhere near enough。 I was in love with him; but it was not enough to change anything; it was 
only enough to hurt us both more。 To hurt him worse than I ever had。 
I didn’t care about more than that — than his pain。 I more than deserved whatever pain this caus
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