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3 eclipse月食-第章

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He started shaking his head before I was done。 
“It might not work like that; Bella。” 
“Might;” I scoffed。 “You have no more idea what you’re talking about than I do。” 
“Exactly。 Do you imagine I would ever take that kind of risk with you?” 
I stared into his eyes for a long minute。 There was no sign of promise; no hint of indecision in them。 
“Please;” I finally whispered; hopeless。 “It’s all I want。 Please。” I closed my eyes in defeat; waiting for the 
quick and final no。 
But he didn’t answer immediately。 I hesitated in disbelief; stunned to hear that his breathing was uneven 
I opened my eyes; and his face was torn。 
“Please?” I whispered again; my heartbeat picking up speed。 My words tumbled out as I rushed to take 
advantage of the sudden uncertainty in his eyes。 “You don’t have to make me any guarantees。 If it doesn’t 
work out right; well; then that’s that。 Just let us try 。 。 。 only try。 And I’ll give you what you want;” I promised 
rashly。 “I’ll marry you。 I’ll let you pay for Dartmouth; and I won’t plain about the bribe to get me in。 You 
can even buy me a fast car if that makes you happy! Just 。 。 。 please。” 
His icy arms tightened around me; and his lips were at my ear; his cool breath made me shiver。 “Thisis 
unbearable。 So many things I’ve wanted to give you — and this is what you decide to demand。 Do you have 
any idea how painful it is; trying to refuse you when you plead with me this way?” 
“Then don’t refuse;” I suggested breathlessly。 
He didn’t respond。 
“Please;” I tried again。 
“Bella 。 。 。” He shook his head slowly; but it didn’t feel like a denial as his face; his lips; moved back and 
forth across my throat。 It felt more like surrender。 My heart; racing already; spluttered frantically。 
Again; I took what advantage I could。 When his face turned toward mine with the slow movement of his 
indecision; I twisted quickly in his arms till my lips reached his。 His hands seized my face; and I thought he was 
going to push me away again。 
I was wrong。 
His mouth was not gentle; there was a brandnew edge of conflict and desperation in the way his lips 
moved。 I locked my arms around his neck; and; to my suddenly overheated skin; his body felt colder than 
ever。 I trembled; but it was not from the chill。 
He didn’t stop kissing me。 I was the one who had to break away; gasping for air。 Even then his lips did 
not leave my skin; they just moved to my throat。 The thrill of victory was a strange high; it made me feel 
powerful。 Brave。 My hands weren’t unsteady now; I got through with the buttons on his shirt this time easily; 
and my fingers traced the perfect planes of his icy chest。 He was too beautiful。 What was the word he’d used 
just now? Unbearable — that was it。 His beauty was too much to bear。 。 。 。 
I pulled his mouth back to mine; and he seemed just as eager as I was。 One of his hands still cupped my 
face; his other arm was tight around my waist; straining me closer to him。 It made it slightly more difficult as I 
tried to reach the front of my shirt; but not impossible。 
Cold iron fetters locked around my wrists; and pulled my hands above my head; which was suddenly on a 
His lips were at my ear again。 “Bella;” he murmured; his voice warm and velvet。 “Would you please stop 
trying to take your clothes off?” 
“Do you want to do that part?” I asked; confused。 
“Not tonight;” he answered softly。 His lips were slower now against my cheek and jaw; all the urgency 
“Edward; don’t —;” I started to argue。 

“I’m not saying no;” he reassured me。 “I’m just saying not tonight。” 
I thought about that while my breathing slowed。 
“Give me one good reason why tonight is not as good as any other night。” I was still breathless; it made 
the frustration in my voice less impressive。 
“I wasn’t born yesterday。” He chuckled inmy ear。 “Out of the two of us; which do you think is more 
unwilling to give the other what they want? You just promised to marry me before you do any changing; but if 
I give in tonight; what guarantee do I have that you won’t go running off to Carlisle in the morning? I am — 
clearly — much less reluctant to give you what you want。 Therefore 。 。 。 you first。” 
I exhaled with a loud huff。 “I have to marry you first?” I asked in disbelief。 
“That’s the deal — take it or leave it。 promise; remember?” 
His arms wrapped around me; and he began kissing me in a way that should be illegal。 Too persuasive — 
it was duress; coercion。 I tried to keep a clear head 。 。 。 and failed quickly and absolutely。 
“I think that’s a really bad idea;” I gasped when he let me breathe。 
“I’m not surprised you feel that way。” He smirked。 “You have a orack mind。” 
“How did this happen?” I grumbled。 “I thought I was holding my own tonight — for once — and now; all 
of a sudden —” 
“You’re engaged;” he finished。 
“Ew! Please don’t say that out loud。” 
“Are you going back on your word?” he demanded。 He pulled away to read my face。 His expression was 
entertained。 He was having fun。 
I glared at him; trying to ignore the way his smile made my heart react。 
“Are you?” he pressed。 
“Ugh!” I groaned。 “No。 I’m not。 Are you happy now?” 
His smile was blinding。 “Exceptionally。” 
I groaned again。 
“Aren’t you happy at all?” 
He kissed me again before I could answer。 Another toopersuasive kiss。 
“A little bit;” I admitted when I could speak。 “But not about getting married。” 
He kissed me another time。 “Do you get the feeling that everything is backward?” he laughed in my ear。 
“Traditionally; shouldn’t you be arguing my side; and I yours?” 
“There isn’t much that’s traditional about you and me。” 
He kissed me again; and kept going until my heart was racing and my skin was flushed。 
“Look; Edward;” I murmured; my voice wheedling; when he paused to kiss the palm of my hand。 “I said I 
would marry you; and I will。 I promise。 I swear。 If you want; I’ll sign a contract in my own blood。” 
“Not funny;” he murmured against the inside of my wrist。 
“What I’m saying is this — I’m not going to tr
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