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2 new+moon新月-第章

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with surprising swiftness once they disappeared into the woods。 

And then I was alone again。 

My knees buckled under me; and I fell onto my hands; sobs building in my throat。 

I knew I needed to leave; and leave now。 How long would the wolves chase Laurent before they 
doubled back for me? Or would Laurent turn on them? Would he be the one that came looking? 

I couldn't move at first; though; my arms and legs were shaking; and I didn't know how to get back to 
my feet。 

My mind couldn't move past the fear; the horror or the confusion。 I didn't understand what I'd just 

A vampire should not have run from overgrown dogs like that。 What good would their teeth be against 
his granite skin? 

And the wolves should have given Laurent a wide berth。 Even if their extraordinary size had taught them 
to fear nothing; it still made no sense that they would pursue him。 I doubted his icy marble skin would 
smell anything like food。 Why would they pass up something warmblooded and weak like me to chase 
after Laurent? 

I couldn't make it add up。 

A cold breeze whipped through the meadow; swaying the grass like something was moving through it。 

I scrambled to my feet; backing away even though the wind brushed harmlessly past me。 Stumbling in 
panic; I turned and ran headlong into the trees。 

The next few hours were agony。 It took me three times as long to escape the trees as it had to get to the 

At first I paid no attention to where I was headed; focused only on what I was running from By the time I 
collected myself enough to remember the pass; I was deep in the unfamiliar and menacing forest。 My 
hands were shaking so violently that I had to set the pass on the muddy ground to be able to read it。 
Every few minutes I would stop to put the pass dowr and check that I was still heading northwest; 
hearing—when the sounds weren't hidden behind the frantic squelching of my footsteps—the quiet 
whisper of unseen things moving in the leaves。 

The call of a jaybird made me leap back and fall into a thick stand of young spruce; scraping up my arms 
and tangling my hair with sap。 The sudden rush of a squirrel up a hemlock made me scream so loud it 
hurt my own ears。 

At last there was a break in the trees ahead。 I came out onto the empty road a mile or so south of where 
I'd left the truck。 Exhausted as I was; I jogged up the lane until I found it。 By the time I pulled myself into 
the cab; I was sobbing again。 I fiercely shoved down both stiff locks before I dug my keys out of my 
pocket。 The roar of the engine was forting and sane。 It helped me control the tears as I sped as fast 
as my truck would allow toward the main highway。 

I was calmer; but still a mess when I got home。 Charlie's cruiser was in the driveway—I hadn't realized 
how late it was。 The sky was already dusky。 

〃Bella?〃 Charlie asked when I slammed the front door behind me and hastily turned the locks。 

〃Yeah; it's me。〃 My voice was unsteady。 

〃Where have you been?〃 he thundered; appearing through the kitchen doorway with an ominous 

I hesitated。 He'd probably called the Stanleys。 I'd better stick to the truth。 

〃I was hiking;〃 I admitted。 

His eyes were tight。 〃What happened to going to Jessica's?〃 

〃I didn't feel like Calculus today。〃 

Charlie folded his arms across his chest。 〃I thought I asked you to stay out of the forest。〃 

〃Yeah; I know。 Don't worry; I won't do it again。〃 I shuddered。 

Charlie seemed to really look at me for the first time。 I remembered that I had spent some time on the 
forest floor today; I must be a mess。 

〃What happened?〃 Charlie demanded。 

Again; I decided that the truth; or part of it anyway; was the best option。 I was too shaken to pretend 
that I'd spent an uneventful day with the flora and fauna。 

〃I saw the bear。〃 I tried to say it calmly; but my voice was high and shaky。 〃It's not a bear; though—it's 
some kind of wolf。 And there are five of them。 A big black one; and gray; and reddishbrown…〃 

Charlie's eyes grew round with horror。 He strode quickly to me and grabbed the tops of my arms。 

〃Are you okay?〃 

My head bobbed in a weak nod。 

〃Tell me what happened。〃 

〃They didn't pay any attention to me。 But aftet they were gone; I ran away and I fell down a lot。〃 

He let go of my shoulders and wrapped his arms around me。 For a long moment; he didn't say anything。 

〃Wolves;〃 he murmured。 


〃The rangers said the tracks were wrong for a bear—but wolves just don't get that big…〃 

〃These were huge。〃 

〃How many did you say you saw?〃 


Charlie shook his head; frowning with anxiety; He finally spoke in a tone that allowed no argument。 〃No 

〃No problem;〃 I promised fervently。 

Charlie called the station to report what I'd seen。 I fudged a little bit about where exactly I'd seen the 
wolves—claiming I'd been on the trail that led to the north。 I didn't want my dad to know how deep I'd 
gone into the forest against his wishes; and; more importantly; I didn't want anyone wandering near where 
Laurent might be searching for me。 The thought of it made me feel sick。 

〃Are you hungry?〃 he asked me when he hung up the phone。 

I shook my head; though I must have been starving。 I hadn't eaten all day。 

〃Just tired;〃 I told him。 I turned for the stairs。 

〃Hey;〃 Charlie said; his voice suddenly suspicious again。 〃Didn't you say Jacob was gone for the day?〃 

〃That's what Billy said;〃 I told him; confused by his question。 

He studied my expression for a minute; and seemed satisfied with what he saw there。 


〃Why?〃 I demanded。 It sounded like he was implying that I'd been lying to him this morning。 About 
something besides studying with Jessica。 

〃Well; it's just that when I went to pick up Harry; I saw Jacob out in front of the store down there with 
some of his friends。 I waved hi; but he… well; I guess I don't know if he saw me。 I think maybe he was 
arguing with his friends。 He looked strange; like he was upset about something。 And… different。 It's like 
you can watch that kid growing! He gets bigger ever
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