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2 new+moon新月-第章

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I would let him down。 

A strange look crossed his face。 〃I really think I'd better go home now;〃 he said。 

I got out quickly。 

〃Call me!〃 I yelled as he pulled away。 

I watched him go; and he seemed to be in control of the car; at least。 I stared at the empty street when he 
was gone; feeling a little sick myself; but not for any physical reason。 

How much I wished that Jacob Black had been born my brother; my fleshand blood brother; so that I 
would have some legitimate claim on him that still left me free of any blame now。 Heaven knows I had 
never wanted to use Jacob; but I couldn't help but interpret the guilt I felt now to mean that I had。 

Even more; I had never meant to love him。 One thing I truly knew—knew it in the pit of my stomach; in 
the center of my bones; knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet; knew it deep in my 
empty chest—was how love gave someone the power to break you。 

I'd been broken beyond repair。 

But I needed Jacob now; needed him like a drug。 I'd used him as a crutch for too long; and I was in 
deeper than I'd planned to go with anyone again。 Now I couldn't bear for him to be hurt; and I couldn't 
keep from hurting him; either。 He thought time and patience would change me; and; though I knew he 
was dead wrong; I also knew that I would let him try。 

He was my best friend。 I would always love him; and it would never; ever be enough。 

I went inside to sit by the phone and bite my nails。 

〃Movie over already?〃 Charlie asked in surprise when I came in。 He was on the floor; just a foot from the 
TV。 Must be an exciting game。 

〃Mike got sick;〃 I explained。 〃Some kind of stomach flu。〃 

〃You okay?〃 

〃I feel fine now;〃 I said doubtfully。 Clearly; I'd been exposed。 

I leaned against the kitchen counter; my hand inches from the phone; and tried to wait patiently。 I thought 
of the strange look on Jacob's face before he drove away; and my fingers started drumming against the 
counter。 I should have insisted on driving him home。 

I watched the clock as the minutes ticked by Ten。 Fifteen。 Even when I was driving; it took only fifteen 
minutes; and Jacob drove faster than I did。 Eighteen minutes。 I picked up the phone and dialed。 

It rang and rang。 Maybe Billy was asleep。 Maybe I'd dialed wrong。 I tried again。 

On the eighth ring; just as I was about to hang up; Billy answered。 

〃Hello?〃 he asked。 His voice was wary; like he was expecting bad news。 

〃Billy; it's me; Bella—did Jake make it home yet? He left here about twenty minutes ago。〃 

〃He's here;〃 Billy said tonelessly。 

〃He was supposed to call me。〃 I was a little irritated。 〃He was getting sick when he left; and I was 

〃He was… too sick to call。 He's not feeling well right now。〃 Billy sounded distant。 I realized he must want 
to be with Jacob。 

〃Let me know if you need any help;〃 I offered。 〃I could e down。〃 I thought of Billy; stuck in his chair; 
and Jake fending for himself… 

〃No; no;〃 Billy said quickly。 〃We're fine。 Stay at your place。〃 

The way he said it was almost rude。 

〃Okay;〃 I agreed。 

〃Bye; Bella。〃 

The line disconnected。 

〃Bye;〃 I muttered。 

Well; at least he'd made it home。 Oddly; I didn't feel less worried。 I trudged up the stairs; fretting。 Maybe 
I would go down before work tomorrow to check on him。 I could take soup—we had to have a can of 
Campbell's around here somewhere。 

I realized all such plans were canceled when I woke up early—my clock said four thirty—and sprinted to 
the bathroom。 Charlie found me there a half hour later; lying on the floor; my cheek pressed against the 
cold edge of the bathtub。 

He looked at me for a long moment。 

〃Stomach flu;〃 he finally said。 

〃Yes;〃 I moaned。 

〃You need something?〃 he asked。 

〃Call the Newtons for me; please;〃 I instructed hoarsely。 〃Tell them I have what Mike has; and that I 
can't make it in today。 Tell them I'm sorry。〃 

〃Sure; no problem;〃 Charlie assured me。 

I spent the rest of the day on the bathroom floor; sleeping for a few hours with my head on a crumpled 
up towel。 Charlie claimed that he had to work; but I suspected that he just wanted access to a bathroom。 
He left a glass of water on the floor beside me to keep me hydrated。 

It woke me up when he came back home。 I could see that it was dark in my room—after nightfall。 He 
clumped up the stairs to check on me。 


〃Sort of;〃 I said。 

〃Do you want anything?〃 

〃No; thanks。〃 

He hesitated; clearly out of his element。 〃Okay; then;〃 he said; and then he went back down to the 

I heard the phone ring a few minutes later。 Charlie spoke to someone in a low voice for a moment; and 
then hung up。 

〃Mike feels better;〃 he called up to me。 

Well; that was encouraging。 He'd only gotten sick eight hours or so before me。 Eight more hours。 The 
thought made my stomach turn; and I pulled myself up to lean over the toilet。 

I fell asleep on the towel again; but when I woke up I was in my bed and it was light outside my window。 
I didn't remember moving; Charlie must have carried me to my room—he'd also put the glass of water on 
my bedside table。 I felt parched。 I chugged it down; though it tasted funny from sitting stagnant all night。 

I got up slowly; trying not to trigger the nausea again。 I was weak; and my mouth tasted horrible; but my 
stomach felt fine。 I looked at my clock。 

My twentyfour hours were up。 

I didn't push it; eating nothing but saltine crackers for breakfast。 Charlie looked relieved to see me 

As soon as I was sure that I wasn't going to have to spend the day on the bathroom floor again; I called 

Jacob was the one who answered; but when I heard his greeting I knew he wasn't over it。 

〃Hello?〃 His voice was broken; cracking。 

〃Oh; Jake;〃 I groaned sympathetically。 〃You sound horrible。〃 

〃I feel horrible;〃 he whispered。 

〃I'm so sorry I made you go out with me。 This sucks。〃 

〃I'm glad I went。〃 His voice was still a whisper。 〃Don't blame yourself。 This isn't your fault。〃 

〃You'll get better soon;〃 I promised。 〃I woke up this morning; and I 
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